David Graff – davidgraff.com Today with Dave, Downunder it's Sunday, February 9th, 2025 @ 12:37 PM

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Merry Christmas Everyone

It’s Christmas morning downunder, but it’s only Christmas Eve afternoon for me here in Olds, Alberta!
I hope everyone is enjoying the break and having a great holiday. I am looking forward to seeing those that are soon to visit and also seeing those I am soon to visit myself.



My world is very icy these days.


It’s kinda cold here

Back in Alberta now, which is where I grew up. It’s cold and snowy here and perfect for Christmas. There have been some accidents on the highways, which is an aspect of life here that I kinda forgot about. There are times that the road gets so dangerous, it’s best just not to drive.

It’s funny to think back to Brisbane, where temperatures are mid thirties. We’re scheduled for mid thirties too… so to speak! Right now we’re just in the twenties tho. I hope all the Aussies are enjoying their breaks too, all in the heat!

This is the forecast for today

This is also the forecast for today

Done, but still crazy busy

I am done my elective here in Vancouver, and have been for over a week already. The time has flown by leaving me feeling like I am getting nothing done. I am doing things really, and it’s good to get around a bit here and see everyone.

I think I’m trying to squeeze a month’s worth of social expectations into a week and a half, since there was practically no time for socialness during the elective.
I’m leaving Vancity on Wednesday, and am Alberta bound to see the rest of my family in the town where I grew up, which I’m looking forward to.

I hopefully will be able to grab some time to describe what my elective was like, since I haven’t had the time to write all month. For now I’m just running from one thing to the next!

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