David Graff – davidgraff.com Today with Dave, Downunder it's Sunday, February 9th, 2025 @ 12:42 PM

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A Really Great Day

Every now and then there are really great days.  It wasn’t particularly special today, but I had a great day.  I am currently on holidays, and today was perfect.  It is Monday, and everything went my way today.  I woke up at my leisure, took it easy with a coffee in the morning, found out that I am going to the Sunshine coast next year (more on that later), had lunch with a friend, relaxed all afternoon, then went out for a steak dinner at a cook-your-own restaurant with some friends of John’s.  We had a bunch of laughs, a great steak I cooked myself, and then went to Southbank for a swim in the somewhat cold and deserted pool.  Tossed the ball around a bit in the water too.  Then I threw on the shorts and hopped over to the theatre to meet another friend for a movie.  He’s also going to the Sunshine coast, so we were able to share a bit of joy about that and enjoy our time watching “The Inglourious Basterds”.  It added to the poetry that I went with a guy that, I am certain, gets told he looks like Quentin Tarantino by every person he meets (It was a Tarantino film).  Anyways, it wasn’t till the end of the day that I realized, this was basically a perfect day.

Sunday Afternoon Beach BBQ

It has really been a long time since updating this, but I have been fairly busy with school, and it just slipped. I am on a bit of a break now, for the next week. We decided to take a trip to the coast and see if we could cook some sausages by the sea. It worked out well.


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