David Graff – davidgraff.com Today with Dave, Downunder it's Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 @ 11:14 AM

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Cid Harbour

After a three hour sail, we have arrived, and it’s great!

And we’re off…

Cid Harbour here we come!


Airlie Beach

After almost ten years away, I have returned to Airlie Beach. Last time I was here I was with Mike, driving up the coast. This time I am here with 130 of my classmates, and we have all rented yachts and are going to sail out around the reef islands. The Great Barrier Reef is just 100 km from shore.

The photo showing a parking lot was actually where we slept on of the nights back then. Mike was sleeping in the parking lit and I was on the adjacent beach. The cops came and told Mike to move on in the morning, as they do here. They didn’t notice me, I was sleeping under a small catamaran! Those were good times.


Down by the Sea

On my first day off, I headed out for a bit of fishing with John and Sam at Wellington Point, East of Brisbane. Good times.



Medical school has come to an end.

This is it

Exam starts in 30 minutes! Here we go!

1400 Days

There are very few days left for me as a medical student. I have an all encompassing exam on Saturday and that is it.


Day’s End

This is on the way home from the hospital, and I always love coming around the corner and seeing the sun set over these hills. The view is not to last however, there is a construction site hiding in the glare.


My Laptop is Back!

For a guy who really uses a computer a lot… I went without a one for a long time…  back in the beginning of September my laptop decided to pack it in.  Because I was a too busy to actually figure out what the problem was, and didn’t want to risk sending it away to anyone, I held on to it.  My brother in law was kind enough to lend me his to get me through the OSCE on September 10, and then I was moving towards going back to Aus before I knew it.  When I got here, I found out what the troubles were and I found a place that can do the fix.  After sending it in, in blind faith, I got a call that everything was back up and working well.  So we’ll have to see how it holds up, since the shop told me sometimes the fix doesn’t stay.  Anyways, it’s good to have it back.

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