My very own Chronophage
I have recently added a clock on the right side of my page here that shows two date-and-times. It’s pretty obvious what they are. The reason I put this up is because I am acutely aware of this time of my life as a fixed period. There is a start date and an end date to all this, and it’s coming up one second at a time. I have often thought this of many situations I have been in, both good and bad, so I wanted a way to show time slip from one side of the present to the other. A river of time, and me stuck on a bridge spanning it, watching it pass below.
It was apparently also on minds at Cambridge who made this clock. Mind you, mine cost slightly less than their quoted $2 Million pricetag (How the heck does that even happen?). I understand Stephen Hawking presented the clock as part of his theoretical commitment that the forward movement of time is inevitable. I just presented mine myself. I kept that article and a video showing the clock behind this link.