David Graff – davidgraff.com Today with Dave, Downunder it's Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 @ 11:47 AM

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Back In Canada

So I’m back; I did in fact make it.  I just got really busy and didn’t update.  I spent two weeks in Vancouver visiting friends, which was great.  I stayed with my sister and brother in law and their TWO kids!  I met one of my three new nieces, Audrey, for the first time.  She’s amazing.  As I write this update now, I have met all my new nieces and love them like crazy already.  They are all amazing.  And the same age.  Like magic-cross-mother triplets that are going to grow up together.  The house gets a bit crazy with all the kids around though!  I like it.

Vancouver was kinda busy seeing friends, and kinda chill just staying home with the kids, and I love doing both.  Canada is so crazy.  Beautiful buildings, huge facilities, and retail excess that is really only appreciated when you have been without it for years.  I went to a Leonard Cohen concert with a friend on a last minute whim, which was awesome.

I’m in frozen Alberta right now, and have seen a few friends here already.  It is so good to be home.  Even though by being home I got massively sick and almost made some action shots in our family photo-shoot.   Everyone was together for the first time that day, and I felt so terrible.  Spent most the day in bed.Since then, I have recovered, got my strength back, hit Red Deer for some culture (Movie with Andy) and back again for some Christmas shopping cheer the next day.

Today I got up early with Dad and went out to Windermere and Invermere to pick up Grandpa and bring him here.  We stopped by the cottage where we had so many good times over the years.  It has been too long since I have seen it.  We’re back now and just taking things easy before dinner.  I’ll add some photos here.  It’s so crazy how different this place is to where I live downunder.

See ya later Australia!

One hour from now I will have taken off for Auckland! I am changing planes there and coming straight thru to Vancouver. Looking forward to seeing everyone, can’t wait! Except I could wait to leave the warm in exchange for the cold and dark, but it seems I have to take the good with the bad.
See ya soon Canada!

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