David Graff – davidgraff.com Today with Dave, Downunder it's Saturday, May 4th, 2024 @ 2:14 AM

Let your judgements be fair

It was international welcome day today for the School of Medicine.  There was a few sessions on how things work at the school, some introductions, and a lot of welcome-to-the-brotherhood talk.  One of the things that stood out to me today was in the Australian Culture session.  They encouraged us to “Let our judgements be fair” (Specifically in context of understanding other cultures).  In Canada it often seems that judgement is a bad word, and that everything is just equal because “we’re supposed to think” that way.  I have often thought it strange that everyone would habitually judge, but just as habitually deny or condemn judgement.  The Australian way seems to be a better fit for the way I see things; it seems more honest.

Aside from all that the BBQ was good, and despite being cloudy all day, I got sunburnt.  They say it can happen through the clouds, and once again, they’re right.

One Response to “Let your judgements be fair”

  1. Hey Davie…
    Cool website…I hadn’t checked it out before, but your email doesn’t seem to be accepting mail today, so I thought I’d find you here…
    Anyhow, my friend who lives in Perth, her husband has a cousin in Brisbane and I’ll send you his contact info once she sends it to me…
    He’s supposed to be a great guy…
    Talk to you later,
    Thinking of you

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