David Graff – davidgraff.com Today with Dave, Downunder it's Saturday, July 27th, 2024 @ 11:49 PM

Walk with me to the PAH

This is a video I took in June some time when I was walking to the Princess Alexandra Hospital.  I had my camera set on slow motion video, but didn’t know that the slow mo would be so slow. So, it’s choppy.  I wanted to do it again, and use the regular video setting and then speed it up, but given the weird looks I got marching all that way with a camera stuck in people’s faces, I probably won’t.  So here it is.  People who have been there before will recognize it.

3 Responses to “Walk with me to the PAH”

  1. Whoah! That’s like the quickest walk to PAH ever. Must be a universe record.

  2. wow, how far do you walk? Looks great. I can’t wait to visit one day…well James and I 🙂

  3. Yea I’m pretty fast Caz! But it does take about 45 mins at least.

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