David Graff – davidgraff.com Today with Dave, Downunder it's Friday, April 26th, 2024 @ 3:34 PM

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Things to look forward to in Canada

This is a small post about a big (psychological) plus to Canada that came up when Brian and I were talking about going home.  I had occasion to look through my old banking records and saw purchases from Tim Horton’s.   This is what I saw.  And yes, I chose one that was early in the morning on purpose! 😉

Tim’s for $1.49

Now, that’s a good deal.  But here, a plain black, nothing added, tar and water coffee does not go for less than $3 and can go up from there.  What is the deal?  Anyways, since they’ve got us trapped on this island I suppose they can charge whatever they want and we just pay.  It seems the locals have gotten used to it…

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