David Graff – davidgraff.com Today with Dave, Downunder it's Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 @ 12:18 PM

Months of Music

Looking back over the last few months, and all that has happened, the music I have listened to kinda captures a lot of what was going on. Does the mood make the music or vice versa? Anyways, here’s a tour backwards through time.


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The Odyssey part, not the “Let’s get high” part. 🙂


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Back in Brissie. So strange that this place is familiar. These guys are Australian, and they’re all over here. Just a reminder that it’s a different world.

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Happiness and disaster, plain and simple.


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Back in Vancouver, full on culture shock. I know it’s a total twisting of the meaning of this song, but it seemed to be applicable to my life at the time. Rainy days and sun. And lots more.


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I listened to this one a lot while studying. I don’t know why I liked it so much, I think it is the life-affirming optimism. Especially handy in the shadow of an upcoming exam that feels like it is going to make or break your life. Over dramatic, I know, but that’s how it always feels at the time.

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