David Graff – davidgraff.com Today with Dave, Downunder it's Sunday, February 9th, 2025 @ 12:04 PM

Wow. It’s been a long time

So for a lot of reasons, I have stopped posting here.  But I have come to conclude that I don’t like that I have stopped.  The reasons I slowed down and then stopped ranged everything from being afraid of giving away too many patient details to simple tiredness to stress and to habit.  I stopped being in the habit of posting and that changed things.  Now, when I look back since April 1, so much has happened, without it getting recorded here.  And in retrospect, I think that’s a bit of a shame.  I have been to many international cities, written important exams, delivered more babies, and been at some pretty lifechanging events.  My brother got married (Congrats Mike and Alicia), and I am now doing my elective term at a hospital here in Edmonton, Alberta… in Canada.  I had half-written a post when I got back from Melbourne in May:

 Melbourne.Back from Melbourne, more than a week now.  It has been so long since I have updated here and I’m really sorry.  Sorry that I missed the chance to record a pretty neat time in my life.  Over the last two months, I have delivered babies, done surgery, studied and travelled to a new city.  And it all slipped by undetected by this website.

A lot of my absence can be explained by my MCCEE exam bearing down on me, and more recently, the Obstetric and Gynaecology final also stressing me out to the point that whenever I feel like sitting down to the computer in a mood to do something, that something should be study instead of updating here.  I’m not sure if it’s counter productive or not, but I’ve been mentally cloistered for some time now.  And now I’m free again.

But I was not free really. I wanted to think I was free but I still had to wait for the results, which were pending. It was stressful as it was a competitive based scoring system.

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